Uncategorized October 15, 2024

To Stage or Not to Stage

When selling a vacant home, a big question is to stage or not to stage.   When selling your home, you’re essentially auditioning for buyers—and like any good audition, you want to leave a lasting impression. So, should you leave the house bare like a “before” photo on HGTV, stage it with real furniture like you’re hosting an open house for the royal family, or get all techy and virtually stage it like you’re selling a house in The Sims?

Leaving the Home Vacant – No Staging


  • No Furniture to Break: Look, if there’s no furniture, no one can spill coffee on it, right? Stress-free living (well, for you anyway).
  • Buyer’s Imagination: They can imagine the space however they want! Maybe they see a cozy living room, maybe a ball pit. Who knows? The sky’s the limit!
  • Cheaper than a Cup of Coffee: You don’t have to spend a dime on furniture or decorators. You just need a broom and some hope.


  • Echo… Echo…: A vacant home can feel eerily empty, like a haunted house, minus the ghosts. Not exactly cozy.
  • Room-Sizing Gymnastics: Buyers might start wondering if their king-sized bed will fit in the bedroom or if they need to downsize to a toddler bed.
  • Flaws on Display: Every scratch, dent, and creaky floorboard is just waiting to shout, “Hey, fix me!” Nothing to hide behind here.

Staging with Actual Furniture


  • Instant “Wow” Factor: A beautifully staged home makes buyers swoon. It’s like putting on your best outfit for a date—you want to impress, not show up in sweatpants.
  • Room Functionality 101: You’re basically saying, “Hey, this is a dining room, not a ping pong arena.” You know, in case they were confused.
  • More $$ in Your Pocket: A well-staged home can make buyers think, “This place is worth every penny… and maybe a few more!”


  • Cha-Ching: Renting furniture and hiring a stager isn’t cheap. And suddenly, that cute armchair in the corner is costing more than your Netflix subscription for a year.
  • Logistical Circus: It’s like moving twice—furniture in, furniture out. You may find yourself making furniture arrangements more than dinner plans.
  • Maintenance Mania: You’ll be that person saying, “Take your shoes off!” at every showing. And praying no one knocks over that very fragile (and expensive) decorative vase.

Virtual Staging

Virtually Staged RoomNo Staging - Room feels cold


  • Cheap and Cheerful: No need to hire movers or rent furniture. Just let a designer with Photoshop skills do their magic—boom, your home looks like a million bucks (virtually).
  • Unlimited Makeovers: Want a chic modern look? Done. Prefer rustic farmhouse? Easy. Want a life-sized Tyrannosaurus Rex in the living room? Probably not recommended, but hey, it’s possible.
  • No Furniture, No Fuss: Since it’s all digital, you won’t have to worry about someone knocking over a lamp or scratching the floor. Perfect for the clumsy among us.


  • Virtual vs. Reality: The pictures online look like a magazine spread, but when buyers walk in, it’s a little more minimalist (a.k.a. empty). Could be a bit of a letdown.
  • Surprise!: Buyers might feel like they’ve been catfished if your virtually staged home looks like a chic penthouse online but turns out to be an IKEA puzzle in real life.
  • No Tactile Experience: As nice as virtual staging is, buyers still can’t plop down on that perfectly placed sofa and imagine a Netflix marathon.

Which is Better?

  • Vacant Homes: Best if you’re going for that “modern art gallery” look or want buyers to focus on the potential. Just pray their imagination is top-notch.
  • Staging with Actual Furniture: This is the “all in” option. It’s like dressing your home in designer clothes, but remember, designer prices often follow.
  • Virtual Staging: Ideal for giving buyers a “look but don’t touch” experience. Just be ready for the awkward conversation when they ask, “So, where’s that couch I saw in the photos?”

So, to stage or not to stage your vacant home?  In the end, whether you leave your house as a blank canvas, dress it up with actual furniture, or go virtual, the key is to help buyers see it as their future home!  Not sure what it best for your home – Call me, I can help!